Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Supporting new Godzilla movie

Another piece of Godzilla fan art done a day prior to the release of the film in Malaysia. This is my first attempt at colouring my drawing and it seems like it didn't turn up so well. I wanted to include M.U.T.O. into the drawing initially but had trouble fitting him into the drawing with my current drawing skill.

Anyway, remember to support the new Godzilla movie by director Gareth Edwards (of Monsters) in cinemas!!!

Sleeping Baby Godzilla

My Chibi Godzilla fan art for the Godzilla 2014 movie. Godzilla was exhausted after destroying cities the whole day.

p.s. made a mistake for the date, it should be 2014 instead of 2013, forgive my clumsiness, lol.